Dicken's 1850 style navy plaid day dress with bonnet.
Items constructed for this costume:
Fabric Detail
Navy plaid cotton/rayon with green, yellow and red
Bodice in navy blue cotton plaid with pagoda sleeves lined with red and skirting.
Navy and red
ribbon trim. Ribbon lace up on lower back.
Pattern: Based on Janet Arnold, "Patterns of Fashion 1", 1964,
page 67, c.1856-60 The Vicoria and Albert Museum wedding dress
Navy plaid cotton gathered skirt
with hidden pockets, back hook & eye closure, and ribbon drawstring
for ease.
Black cotton no-wale cotton corderoy over buckram and wire bonnet.
Cotton print interior/lining, white lace on interior brim, and navy blue satin ribbon ties.
Pattern: Butterick B4210
Small drawstring bag with white lace and red ribbon trim.