Reproduction Victorian sheer flounced summer day dress worn to a GBACG picnic and Gold Rush Days.
Gold Rush Days Mini Photobomb
[20120901] Nothing like a big thumbs up and fiddler bombing in a photo. Gold Rush Days had the nicest weather ever this Saturday, around 80F. It started to warm up in the afternoon, but it wasn't the immediate melting like usual (can be 95F+).
After a slow start, the burning of the brothel was very entertaining with some very enthusiastic actors. One 'lady' wrapped her legs around the fireman's head and rode down the ladder with him.
Again, we were mini celebrities with many people asking to take photos of us. Seems like there should be a 6 degrees thing in action with dozens of photos with children and tourists being tagged via FB, but so far those photos tend to just disappear.
More photos here:
Floating Over Stairs
[20120827] I can't remember whether Jean or Christopher took this photo, but I like the way it looks like I'm levitating.

Super Flouncy Summer Weight Dress
[20110904] ...instead I went back to sewing until after 4am. Slept several hours and then finished sewing this dress...

On the bright side, I now have a summer weight dress that's super flouncy.
Estimated time to sew:
3 hrs 9/3/2011 7-10am
Bought Simplicity 3727 to use as base for bodice (receipt 9/3/2011 2:53pm)
3 hrs 9/3/2011 3-6pm
Food and reading break
8.5 hrs 9/3/2011 8pm-4:30am
4.5 hrs 9/4/2011 8am - 12:30 pm
19 hrs
Mistakes corrected: Made two left backs. Didn't allow enough fabric to make fan front on first try. Cut one sleeve out starting with different color.
Mistakes not corrected: Put one flounce on wrong way so hem is facing up. Need to sew down more of bodice to waistband to reduce gappage. Had to use safety pins to close up front and keep point down. Not much overlap on flounces.
Good things: Made flounces faster by zigzagging over a heavy string -- and pulling the string while sewing so it gathered as I sewed. The plaid lines made fast and easy guide to sew on flounces. Added lining/petticoat to waistband and added hidden pockets.
Approximately 12-13 yds of very lightweight cotton from Joann Fabrics sheer drapery section. 4 yds for base skirt and attached white muslin petticoat cartridge pleated onto grossgrain ribbon. Sleeve is sheer. Bodice and cuff lined with white cotton muslin.

Completed: September 2011 19 hours